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Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 34(3): 32-32, sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552506


Introducción: Existen múltiples alternativas para el tratamiento quirúrgico del prolapso rectal mediante procedimientos de fijación, resección o combinados. Si bien el abordaje perineal evita el acceso a la cavidad peritoneal, se acompaña de una tasa de recidiva mayor en relación al abordaje abdominal. Descripción: Se presenta una paciente de 66 años, histerectomizada por vía laparotómica, con un prolapso rectal externo y reductible de 1 año de evolución, sin incontinencia fecal ni constipación. La endoscopia preoperatoria descartó patología colónica asociada. Abordaje laparoscópico en posición de Trendelenburg lateralizado a la derecha. Como es habitual en estos casos se observa la presencia de dolicosigma y fondo de saco de Douglas profundo y se evidencia también la cicatriz de la cesárea. El procedimiento comienza con la apertura peritoneal a nivel del promontorio y la movilización de la unión rectosigmoidea, identificando el uréter izquierdo. Se continua la disección circunferencial tras la apertura de la reflexión peritoneal hasta la altura de la cúpula vaginal. La rectopexia se realiza según la técnica de Orr-Loygue mediante la fijación de la malla por una parte a ambas caras laterales del recto y por otra al promontorio sacro con puntos de polipropileno 2-0, cuidando de no lesionar los vasos ilíacos y los uréteres. Finalmente se cierra la reflexión peritoneal con poliglactina para aislar las mallas protésicas del contenido visceral. La paciente tuvo una buena evolución postoperatoria, otorgándose el alta a las 48 h. Tras 8 meses de seguimiento se encuentra asintomática, con tránsito digestivo y continencia fecal sin alteraciones. Conclusión: El abordaje laparoscópico para el tratamiento del prolapso rectal es seguro y ofrece las ventajas de la cirugía mini-invasiva. La rectopexia con malla protésica es un procedimiento técnicamente desafiante, aunque con mejores resultados alejados. (AU)

Introduction: There are multiple alternatives for the surgical treatment of rectal prolapse through fixation, resection or combined procedures. Although the perineal approach avoids access to the peritoneal cavity, it is associated with a higher recurrence rate than the abdominal approach. Description: The video shows a 66-year-old female patient, hysterectomized by laparotomy, with a 1-year history of reduciblefull-thickness rectal prolapse, without fecal incontinence or constipation. Preoperative endoscopy ruled out associated colonic pathology. The laparoscopic approach is done with the patient placed in Trendelenburg and tilted to the right. As usual in these cases, the presence of dolichosigma and deep Douglas pouch is observed, as well as the cesarean section scar. The procedure begins with the peritoneal opening at the level of the promontory and the mobilization of the rectosigmoid junction, identifying the left ureter. Circumferential dissection is continued after opening the peritoneal reflection up to the level of the vaginal vault. Rectopexy is performed according to the Orr-Loygue technique by fixing the mesh to both lateral aspects of the rectum on one side and to the sacral promontory on the other side with 2-0 polypropylene interrupted sutures, taking care not to injure the iliac vessels and ureters. Finally, the peritoneum is closed with a running suture with polyglactin to isolate the prosthetic mesh from the visceral content. The patient had a good postoperative outcome and was discharged at 48 h. After 8 months of follow-up, she is asymptomatic and has normal colonic transit and fecal continence. Conclusion: the laparoscopic approach for the treatment of rectal prolapse is safe and offers the advantages of minimally invasive surgery. Prosthetic mesh rectopexy is a technically challenging procedure, although has better distant results. (AU)

Humans , Female , Aged , Rectal Prolapse/surgery , Laparoscopy/methods , Surgical Mesh , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome
Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 74(2): 153-162, jun. 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1536065


Objetivos: Describir un caso de manejo con sutura de B-Lynch en una mujer con útero bicorne que presenta hemorragia posparto (HPP), y realizar una revisión de la literatura acerca de las estrategias de control quirúrgico de la HPP en pacientes con malformaciones müllerianas, los resultados maternos en términos de control de la hemorragia, así como las complicaciones tempranas y tardías. Materiales y métodos: Se reporta el caso de una paciente con útero bicorne, atendida en un hopsital de referencia regional, que, posterior a parto por cesárea, presenta hemorragia posparto, la cual es controlada con éxito empleando la sutura de B-Lynch. Se realizó una búsqueda en las siguientes bases de datos: PubMed, Embase, Medline, Google Scholar y LILACS. Se emplearon los términos MeSh: "Uterine Atony", "Postpartum Hemorrhage", "Immediate Postpartum Hemorrhage", "Bicornuate Uterus", "Mullerian Anomalies", "Mullerian Ducts Abnormalities", "Uterine Compression Suture". Se incluyeron reportes y series de casos que hubieran incluido pacientes con malformaciones müllerianas con HPP que no respondieran al manejo farmacológico inicial, con uso de procedimientos quirúrgicos conservadores para el control de la hemorragia. Se hace análisis narrativo de los hallazgos respecto a las características de los estudios, técnicas utilizadas y complicaciones. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 5 estudios, 4 de tipo reporte de caso y 1 serie de casos, que corresponden a 12 mujeres con malformación uterina que desarrollaron HPP, en las cuales se empleó manejo quirúrgico (suturas de compresión uterina), y con dispositivo (tipo balón intrauterino) para el control de la hemorragia, logrando controlar el sangrado en 11 casos, solo una (8,3 %) requirió histerectomía. No se reportan complicaciones a largo plazo. Conclusiones: El manejo de la HPP en mujeres con malformaciones uterinas müllerianas cuenta con una literatura limitada a reportes de casos, con uso tanto de suturas compresivas como dispositivos médicos tipo balones intrauterinos. La sutura compresiva tipo B-Lynch parece ser una buena alternativa en el control de la HPP en estas mujeres con el fin de preservar la fertilidad, con baja tasa de complicaciones. Se requiere continuar documentando este tipo de casos con el fin de consolidar evidencia de la utilidad de esta técnica en el control del sangrado uterino posparto en esta población.

Objectives: To describe the use of the B-Lynch suture in a case of postpartum hemorrhage of a woman with bicornuate uterus, and to carry out a review of the literature on PPH control strategies in patients with müllerian anomalies, maternal outcomes in terms of hemorrhage control, as well as early and late complications. Material and methods: Case report of a patient with bicornuate uterus who presented to a regional referral hospital with postpartum hemorrhage following a cesarean section, which was successfully controlled using the B-Lynch suture. A search was conducted in the PubMed, Embase, Medline, Google Scholar and LILACS databases. The MeSh terms used were: "Uterine Atony," "Postpartum Hemorrhage," "Immediate Postpartum Hemorrhage," "Bicornuate Uterus," "Müllerian Anomalies," "Müllerian Duct Abnormalities". Case reports and case series of patients with müllerian malformations and PPH not responding to initial pharmacological management in whom conservative surgical procedures were used to control bleeding were included. A narrative analysis of the findings was carried out based on study characteristics, techniques used and complications. Results: Five studies were selected, 4 case reports and 1 case series which included 12 women with uterine malformations who developed PPH and in whom surgical management (uterine compression sutures) or devices (intrauterine balloon) were used for hemorrhage control. Bleeding was successfully controlled in 11 cases, with hysterectomy required only in one case (8.3 %). No long-term complications were reported. Conclusions: The literature on PPH management in women with müllerian uterine malformations is limited to case reports in which either compression sutures or medical devices such as intrauterine balloons were used. The B-Lynch-type compression suture appears to be a good option for controlling PPH in these women in order to preserve fertility, with a low rate of complications. Further documentation of these types of cases is needed in order to build the evidence regarding the usefulness of this technique for controlling postpartum uterine bleeding in this population.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Bicornuate Uterus
Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(4): 269-273, ene. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506258


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: Las repercusiones del embarazo en el síndrome de plaquetas grises no están definidas, la bibliografía reporta pocos casos; por tanto, los desenlaces no son muy conocidos. OBJETIVO: Describir el caso de una paciente con síndrome de plaquetas grises y embarazo para proponer pautas de atención y recomendaciones para el seguimiento antenatal, peri y posparto en este grupo de pacientes. Además, revisar la bibliografía más reciente. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente primigesta de 29 años, con diagnóstico de trombocitopenia a partir de los 6 años. Durante el embarazo se consideró de origen genético por lo que se solicitó el exoma clínico que reportó una variante en el gen NBEAL2 c 7244G>T p G1y2415Val homocigoto, con diagnóstico de síndrome de plaquetas grises. Permaneció en seguimiento en los servicios de Hematología y Obstetricia, sin complicaciones mayores; cerca del parto requirió transfusión de plaquetas. A las 39 semanas de embarazo ingresó para atención del parto, se dio prueba de trabajo de parto; sin embargo, por indicación obstétrica (detención de la dilatación) se decidió la finalización mediante cesárea. METODOLOGÍA: Se revisaron las bases de datos de PubMed, LILACS, Medline, Clinical trials de los últimos 20 años. Los MeSH de búsqueda fueron "grey platelet" "syndrome" "pregnancy". Se encontraron 11 artículos de los que se descartaron 2 por estar fuera del rango de tiempo, un artículo duplicado y otros excluían embarazadas. En total se revisaron 9 artículos. CONCLUSIÓN: Este caso muestra que las mujeres con síndrome de plaquetas grises, si son debidamente acompañadas por un equipo interdisciplinario con experiencia pueden tener un embarazo y parto seguros.

Abstract BACKGROUND: The repercussions of pregnancy in grey platelet syndrome are undefined, with few cases reported in the literature; therefore, outcomes are not well known. OBJECTIVE: To describe the case of a patient with grey platelet syndrome and pregnancy in order to propose care guidelines and recommendations for antenatal, peri- and postpartum follow-up in this group of patients. In addition, to review the most recent literature. CLINICAL CASE: A 29-year-old primigravida patient diagnosed with thrombocytopenia since the age of 6. During pregnancy it was considered to be of genetic origin, so the clinical exome was requested, which reported a variant in the NBEAL2 c 7244G>T p G1y2415Val homozygous gene, with a diagnosis of grey platelet syndrome. She remained under follow-up in the haematology and obstetrics departments, without major complications; close to delivery she required platelet transfusion. At 39 weeks of pregnancy, she was admitted for delivery care, proof of labour was given; however, due to obstetric indications (arrest of dilatation) it was decided to terminate the pregnancy by caesarean section. METHODOLOGY: The databases of PubMed, LILACS, Medline, Clinical trials of the last 20 years were reviewed. The MeSH search terms were "grey platelet" "syndrome" "pregnancy". Eleven articles were found of which two were discarded for being out of time range, one article duplicated and others excluded pregnant women. In total 9 articles were reviewed. CONCLUSION: This case shows that women with grey platelet syndrome, if properly supported by an experienced interdisciplinary team, can have a safe pregnancy and delivery.

Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 91(6): 417-431, ene. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1506278


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: La reanimación cardiopulmonar representa el 1 a 2% de los ingresos a las unidades de cuidados intensivos. En 2018, 17.4 por cada 1000 pacientes embarazadas de Estados Unidos requirieron reanimación cardiopulmonar e ingreso a unidades de cuidados intensivos, con mortalidad del 52% posterior al primer día de puerperio. OBJETIVO: Aportar conceptos indispensables de reanimación cardiopulmonar, causas de paro cardiaco materno y difundir algoritmos de atención y respuesta luego de la activación de un código para probable cesárea de urgencia en los cuatro minutos posteriores al paro cardiorrespiratorio, en casos sin retorno a la circulación espontánea. Esto con la finalidad de aumentar la calidad de atención de salud y disminuir los índices de mortalidad materna. METODOLOGÍA: Primera etapa: búsqueda en PubMed de artículos con antigüedad no mayor a cinco años, publicados en inglés o español, Guías de Práctica Clínica de Perinatología Clínica, revisiones sistemáticas y metanálisis. Segunda etapa: algoritmo de búsqueda ("cardiopulmonary resuscitation "[MeSH-Terms] AND "pregnancy" [MeSH-Terms]) AND ((y_5[Filter]) AND (systemati creview[Filter]) AND (english [Filter]) OR spanish [Filter])). RESULTADOS: Se reunieron 35 artículos o páginas web de los que se seleccionaron 19, incluidos 3 libros de texto relacionados con el tema y 3 páginas web gubernamentales. Además, se analizaron otros artículos para complementar el conocimiento del tema. CONCLUSIONES: El reconocimiento del colapso materno y la oportuna respuesta del personal de salud permitirán una reanimación cardiopulmonar de alta calidad; por esto debe fomentarse la capacitación al personal de salud.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation accounts for 1% to 2% of intensive care unit admissions. In 2018, 17.4 per 1000 US pregnant patients requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation were admitted to intensive care units, with mortality of 52% after the first postpartum day. OBJECTIVE: To provide essential concepts of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, causes of maternal cardiac arrest and to disseminate algorithms of care and response after activation of a code for probable emergency cesarean section within four minutes after cardiorespiratory arrest, in case of failure to return to spontaneous circulation. The aim is to increase the quality of health care and reduce maternal mortality rates. METHODOLOGY: First stage: search in PubMed of articles not older than five years, published in English or Spanish, Clinical Practice Guidelines of Clinical Perinatology, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Second stage: search algorithm ("cardiopulmonary resuscitation "[MeSH-Terms] AND "pregnancy" [MeSH-Terms]) AND ((y_5[Filter]) AND (systematic creview[Filter]) AND (english [Filter]) OR spanish [Filter])). RESULTS: Thirty-five articles or web pages were collected from which 19 were selected, including 3 textbooks related to the topic and 3 governmental web pages. In addition, other articles were analyzed to complement knowledge of the topic. CONCLUSIONS: Recognition of maternal collapse and timely response by health care personnel will enable high-quality cardiopulmonary resuscitation; therefore, training of health care personnel should be encouraged.

Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 608-612, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385644


RESUMEN: La endometriosis (E), se define como presencia de glándulas endometriales y estroma fuera del útero. Ocasionalmente se presenta como masa sensible en la pared abdominal (PA), en relación con una cicatriz quirúrgica (EPA). Aunque el tratamiento es quirúrgico, existe poca información respecto de la morbilidad postoperatoria (MPO) y la recurrencia de la EPA. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar MPO y recurrencia en pacientes resecadas quirúrgicamente por EPA. Serie de casos de pacientes con EPA, sometidos a cirugía de forma consecutiva, en Clínica RedSalud Mayor, entre 2011 y 2021. Las variables resultados MPO y recurrencia. Otras variables de interés fueron: tiempo quirúrgico, estancia hospitalaria y mortalidad. Las pacientes fueron seguidas de forma clínica. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Se intervinieron 14 pacientes, con una mediana de edad de 33 años. La medianas del tiempo quirúrgico y estancia hospitalaria; fueron 55 min y 2,5 días respectivamente. La MPO fue 14,2 % (2 casos). Con una mediana de seguimiento de 31 meses, no se verificó recurrencia. Aunque la EPA es poco común, estas lesiones deben sospecharse en mujeres en edad reproductiva con masa palpable en relación con una cicatriz de cirugía ginecológica u obstétrica. Los resultados obtenidos, en términos de MPO y recurrencia, fueron similares a series internacionales.

SUMMARY: Endometriosis (E) is defined as the presence of endometrial glands and endometrial stroma outside the uterus. Occasionally it presents as a sensitive mass in the abdominal wall (AW), in relation to a surgical scar (AWE). Although the treatment is surgical, there is scarce information regarding postoperative morbidity (POM) and recurrence of AWE. The aim of this study was to determine POM and recurrence in patients surgically resected by AWE. Case series of patients with AWE, consecutively submitted to surgery, at RedSalud Mayor Clinic, between 2011 and 2021. Outcome variables were POM and recurrence. Other variables of interest were surgical time, hospital stay and mortality. Patients were followed-up clinically. Descriptive statistics were used, applying central tendency and dispersion measures. 14 patients were intervened, with a median age of 33 years. Median of surgical time and hospital stay were 55 min and 2,5 days respectively. POM was 14.2 % (2 cases). With a median follow-up of 31 months no recurrence was verified. Although AWE is uncommon, these lesions should be suspected in women in fertile age with a palpable mass associated with a scar from gynecologic or obstetric surgery. The results obtained, in terms of POM and recurrence, were like international series.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Cicatrix/etiology , Endometriosis/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Recurrence , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Abdominal Wall/surgery
Rev. colomb. cir ; 37(3): 428-433, junio 14, 2022. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378709


Introducción. Los tumores desmoides son lesiones de los tejidos blandos, histológicamente benignas, poco frecuentes y con gran agresividad local y carencia de potencial metastásico. Se relacionan estrechamente con antecedentes traumáticos o quirúrgicos, como la cesárea, y su tratamiento generalmente es quirúrgico. Métodos. Presentamos una serie de tres pacientes intervenidas en nuestro centro durante el año 2020. Se revisan sus antecedentes y se describe su tratamiento. Resultados. En todas nuestras pacientes se encontró algún antecedente quirúrgico, dos cesáreas y una resección de un disgerminoma. El tratamiento empleado fue la resección quirúrgica con márgenes libres y reparación del defecto mediante malla. Conclusiones. El tumor desmoide es una patología poco frecuente, su diagnóstico se realiza mediante exámenes imagenológicos y se confirma con el estudio histológico; es importante hacer el diagnóstico diferencial con el sarcoma. La cirugía radical sigue siendo el tratamiento de elección, aunque algunos autores proponen el tratamiento conservador.

Introduction. Desmoid tumors are soft tissue lesions, histologically benign, rare and with great local aggressiveness and lack of metastatic potential. They are closely related to traumatic or surgical history such as caesarean section. Their treatment is generally surgical. Methods. We present a case series of three patients operated on in our center during the year 2020. Their history is reviewed and their type of treatment is presented. Results. In all our patients, surgical history was found (two caesarean sections and one resection of a dysgerminoma). The treatment used was surgical resection with free margins and mesh repair of the defect. Conclusions. Desmoid tumor is a rare pathology; its diagnosis is made by imaging studies, and confirmed by histology. It is important to make a differential diagnosis with sarcoma. Radical surgery remains the treatment of choice, although some authors propose conservative treatment.

Humans , Cesarean Section , Fibromatosis, Aggressive , General Surgery , Abdominal Wall , Neoplasms
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 87(2): 122-136, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388718


OBJETIVO: Explorar la percepción de mujeres en edad reproductiva con respecto a las vías del parto reportada en la evidencia disponible. MÉTODO: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistematizada de artículos en las bases de datos PubMed, SciELO, SCOPUS, Web of Science, LILACS, Cochrane Library y Biblioteca Virtual de Salud. La búsqueda se realizó entre agosto y noviembre del año 2020. Los términos MeSH usados fueron "Perception", "Delivery Obstetric", "Cesarean Section" y "Woman", junto con los términos DECS "Percepción", "Parto Obstétrico", "Cesárea" y "Mujeres". Además, se utilizaron los términos libres "Perceptions", "Vaginal Delivery", "Obstetric Deliveries", "Abdominal Deliveries", "Caesarean Section" y "Womens Groups". En la totalidad de las bases de datos utilizadas se aplicaron como límites de búsqueda "Last 5 Years" y "Free Full Text". RESULTADOS: Respecto a la percepción de las vías de parto, se constató la preferencia de la vía vaginal sobre la cesárea. Además, se evidenciaron factores que influyen en el proceso, tales como miedo, experiencia previa, influencia de terceros, religión, cultura, nivel socioeconómico y zona demográfica. CONCLUSIONES: La evidencia revisada sugiere que las mujeres prefieren la vía del parto vaginal sobre la cesárea, siendo el miedo el factor más influyente al momento de su elección, seguido por los factores asociados a experiencias previas, el nivel socioeconómico y las creencias.

OBJECTIVE: To explore the perception of women of reproductive age regarding delivery routes reported in the available evidence. METHOD: A systematized review of articles in PubMed, SciELO, SCOPUS, Web of Science, LILACS, Cochrane Library, Biblioteca Virtual de Salud databases, was carried out. The search was conducted between August and November 2020. MeSH descriptors "Perception", "Delivery Obstetric", "Cesarean Section" and "Woman", along with DECS descriptors "Percepciones", "Parto Obstétrico", "Cesárea" and "Mujeres", were used. Also, free terms "Perceptions", "Vaginal Delivery", "Obstetric Deliveries", "Abdominal Deliveries", "Caesarean Section" and "Womens Groups". In the totality of databases limits of search "Last 5 years" and "Free Full Text", were used. RESULTS: Regarding the perception of the delivery routes, the preference of the vaginal route over caesarean section was verified. In addition, factors that influence the process such as fear, previous experience, influence of third parties, religion, culture, socioeconomic level and demographic area were evidenced. CONCLUSIONS: The reviewed evidence suggests that women prefer the vaginal delivery route over caesarean section with fear being the most influential factor at the time of their choice, and secondly, the factors associated with previous experiences, socioeconomic level and beliefs.

Humans , Female , Perception , Cesarean Section/psychology , Delivery, Obstetric/psychology
The Philippine Children&rsquo ; s Medical Center Journal;(2): 42-62, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-960224


@#<p><strong>Background: </strong>Inadequately treated postoperative pain can contribute significantly to morbidity in women undergoing cesarean section.  Recent studies showed that nalbuphine and fentanyl has promising result as neuraxial adjuvants in terms of postoperative analgesia and with lower incidents of adverse effect when use in cesarean section. </p><p><strong>Objective: </strong>To determine the effectiveness of postoperative analgesia with intrathecal nalbuphine versus intrathecal fentanyl as neuraxial adjuvants in cesarean section. </p><p><strong>Methods</strong>:  A meta-analysis following the PRISMA guidelines was performed.  Articles were searched through the Cochrane Library, PubMed.Gov and Pubmed Central, Google Scholar, HERDIN, WPRIM and ProQuest Guideline Central using different search strategies such as keywords and MeSH term.  Cochrane version 2 risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2) was used to assess for quality.  Quantitative data were pooled and analyzed using Review Manager 5.4. </p><p><strong>Results: </strong>A total of four trials, involving 425 full term pregnant women were analyzed. The pooled mean difference showed significantly longer duration of postoperative analgesia (MD=21.12 minutes, 95%CI=11.13,31.11, I2=73%), pooled risk ratio showed lesser risk for pruritus (RR=0.09, 95%CI=0.02,0.50, I2 = 0%) and postoperative nausea and vomiting (RR=0.38, 95%CI= 0.19,0.78, I2 = 11%) who received intrathecal nalbuphine compared to intrathecal fentanyl. </p><p><strong>Conclusions</strong>: The results of this meta-analysis demonstrates that the use of intrathecal nalbuphine appears to have a better outcome in increasing the duration of postoperative analgesia and with lesser incidence of PONV and pruritus than fentanyl.  However, due to the presence of heterogeneity it warrants that the results should be treated with caution especially with the possibility of publication bias. </p><p><strong>Recommendations: </strong>Better literature search through inclusion of high-quality studies from relevant databases and strict adherence on the uniformity of the dosage and <strong>methods</strong> used are very crucial to achieve the target clinical outcomes and minimize the publication bias. </p>

Humans , Female , Cesarean Section , Nalbuphine , Fentanyl , Meta-Analysis
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 69(2): e200, Apr.-June 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287982


Abstract Introduction: Timely diagnosis and treatment of gestational diabetes (GD), as well as adequate control of associated risk factors, allows reducing its negative impact on maternal and perinatal health. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of GD in a tertiary care hospital in Colombia and identify the risk factors associated with this condition, as well as the maternal-perinatal outcomes in this population, following the implementation of the International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups (IADPSG) criteria. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study in which a secondary data analysis was carried out. By means of consecutive sampling, 533 pregnant women with GD who gave birth at the Hospital Universitario San José in Popayán, Colombia, between July 2017 and March 2018, were included. Social, biological, and psychological variables were analyzed. To identify risk factors and associated maternal-perinatal outcomes, the Odds Ratio was used as a measure of association (CI:95%). In addition, a multivariate analysis was performed to control for confounding factors. Results: The prevalence of GD was 16.32% (95%CI:13.28-19.73). The following risk factors associated with GD were identified: age >35 (OR=2.26; 95%CI:1.23-4.14), indigenous race (OR=6.60; 95%CI:1.17-37.15), BMI >25 (OR=2. 26; 95%CI:1.23-4.14), history of fetal macrosomia (OR=10.07; 95%CI: 1.50-67.34), and family history of diabetes mellitus (OR=3.17; 95%CI:1.39-7.22). Regarding maternal-perinatal outcomes, a significant association was found with labor induction (OR=4.41; 95%CI:1.71-11.39), emergency cesarean section (OR=2.22; 95%CI:1.33-3.73), elective cesarean section (OR=2.79; 95%CI:1.51-5.18), fetal weight >90th percentile (OR=2.78; 95%CI:1.29-5.98), and neonatal hospitalization (OR=8.1; 95%CI:4.48-18.62). Conclusions: The prevalence of GD reported here is higher than the prevalence described in other studies conducted in Colombia, but similar to most studies that have followed the IADPSG criteria. Likewise, risk factors and maternal-perinatal outcomes that had a statistically significant association with GD here are similar to those described in most of the studies that were consulted.

Resumen Introducción. El diagnóstico y manejo oportuno de la diabetes gestacional (DG) y el adecuado control de factores de riesgo asociados permiten disminuir su impacto negativo en la salud materna y perinatal. Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia de DG en un hospital de tercer nivel de Colombia e identificar los factores asociados a esta condición, así como los resultados materno-perinatales en esta población, tras la implementación de los criterios de la Asociación Internacional de Grupos de Estudio de Diabetes y Embarazo (IADPSG). Materiales y métodos. Estudio transversal en el que se realizó un análisis de datos secundarios. Mediante muestreo consecutivo se incluyeron 533 gestantes con reporte de prueba diagnóstica de DG y que dieron a luz en el Hospital Universitario San José de Popayán, Colombia, entre julio de 2017 y marzo de 2018. Se analizaron variables sociales, biológicas y psicológicas. Para la identificación de los factores y resultados materno-perinatales asociados se utilizó el Odds Ratio como medida de asociación (IC: 95%). Además, se realizó un análisis multivariado para controlar las variables de confusión. Resultados. La prevalencia de DG fue del 16.32% (IC95%:13.28-19.73). Se identificaron los siguientes factores asociados a DG: edad >35 (OR=2.26; IC95%: 1.23-4.14), raza indígena (OR=6.60; IC95%: 1.17-37.15), IMC preconcepcional >25 (OR=2.26; IC95%: 1.23-4.14), antecedente de feto macrosómico (OR=10.07; IC95%: 1.50-67.34) y antecedente familiar de diabetes mellitus (OR=3.17; IC95%: 1.39-7.22). Respecto a los resultados materno-perinatales, se encontró una asociación significativa con inducción del trabajo de parto (OR=4.41; IC95%: 1.71-11.39), cesárea de urgencia (OR=2.22; IC95%: 1.33-3.73) y electiva (OR=2.79; IC95%: 1.51-5.18), macrosomia por percentil >90 (OR=2.78; IC95%: 1.29-5.98) y hospitalización neonatal (OR=8.1; IC95%: 4.48-18.62). Conclusiones. La prevalencia de DG en el presente estudio es mayor a la reportada en investigaciones realizadas en Colombia, pero similar a la descrita en la mayoría de estudios que han seguido los criterios de la IADPSG. Los factores y los resultados maternos-perinatales en los que se observó una asociación estadísticamente significativa con la DG son similares a los reportados en la mayoría de la literatura consultada.

Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 29: e3446, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1289770


Objective: to analyze scientific evidence regarding the relationship between the type of birth and the microbiota acquired by newborns. Method: this integrative review addresses the role of the type of delivery on newborns' microbial colonization. A search was conducted in the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online/PubMed and Virtual Health Library databases using the descriptors provided by Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) and Health Science Descriptors (DeCS). Results: infants born vaginally presented a greater concentration of Bacteroides, Bifidobacteria, and Lactobacillus in the first days of life and more significant microbial variability in the following weeks. The microbiome of infants born via C-section is similar to the maternal skin and the hospital setting and less diverse, mainly composed of Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, and Clostridium. Conclusion: the maternal vaginal microbiota provides newborns with a greater variety of colonizing microorganisms responsible for boosting and preparing the immune system. Vaginal birth is the ideal birth route, and C-sections should only be performed when there are medical indications.

Objective: analisar as evidências científicas existentes na literatura sobre a relação da via de nascimento com a microbiota adquirida pelo recém-nascido. Método: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa sobre a influência da via de nascimento na colonização microbiótica no recém-nascido. Foi realizada uma busca na literatura por meio das bases de dados Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online/ PubMed e Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, tendo como estratégia de busca a seleção de artigos baseados nos descritores desenvolvidos com Medical Subject Headings (termos MeSH) ou Descritores em Ciência da Saúde (DeCS). Resultados: os recém-nascidos por via vaginal apresentam nos primeiros dias de vida maior concentração de Bacteroides, Bifidobacterias e Lactobacillus e, com o passar das semanas, mostram maior variabilidade microbiótica. Os recém-nascidos por cesárea apresentam microbioma semelhante ao da pele materna e do ambiente hospitalar e possuem menor diversidade, sendo, principalmente, constituído de Staphylococcus, Streptococcus e Clostridium. Conclusão: a microbiota vaginal materna dispõe de uma maior variedade de microrganismos colonizadores, os quais são responsáveis por auxiliar na capacitação e melhor adequação ao sistema imunológico do recém-nato. Evidencia-se que o parto vaginal é a via ideal, ou seja, a cesariana deve ser realizada apenas quando existem indicações reais.

Objetivo: analizar las evidencias científicas existentes en la literatura sobre la relación de la vía de nacimiento con la microbiota adquirida por el recién nacido. Método: se trata de una revisión integradora sobre la influencia de la vía de nacimiento en la colonización de la microbiota en el recién nacido. Fue realizada una búsqueda en la literatura en las bases de datos Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online/PubMed y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud, teniendo como estrategia de búsqueda la selección de artículos basados en los descriptores desarrollados en el Medical Subject Headings (términos MeSH) o Descriptores en Ciencia de la Salud (DeCS). Resultados: los recién nacidos por vía vaginal presentan, en los primeros días de vida, mayor concentración de Bacteroides, Bifidobacterias y Lactobacillus; y, con el pasar de las semanas muestran mayor variabilidad de la microbiota. Los recién nacidos por cesárea presentan microbioma semejante a la piel materna y al ambiente hospitalario, poseyendo menor diversidad y siendo principalmente constituida de Staphylococcus, Streptococcus y Clostridium. Conclusión: la microbiota vaginal materna proporciona al neonato una mayor variedad de microorganismos colonizadores que son responsables por auxiliar en la capacitación y mejor adecuación de su sistema inmunológico. Se evidencia que el parto vaginal es la vía ideal y que la cesárea debe ser realizada apenas cuando existen indicaciones reales.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Bacteroides , Cesarean Section , Delivery, Obstetric , Parturition , Microbiota , Gastrointestinal Microbiome
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 45(3): e488, jul.-set. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093662


RESUMEN Introducción: El embarazo ectópico en cicatriz de cesárea previa es una forma novedosa y potencialmente mortal de implantación anormal de un saco gestacional dentro del miometrio y el tejido fibroso de la cicatriz. Se desconoce la historia natural de esta condición para lo cual no existe consenso en su manejo. Presentación de caso: Se presenta un caso que se manejó quirúrgicamente de forma conservadora por minilaparotomía, evacuación del tejido trofoblástico, lográndose preservar el útero. Con edad gestacional de 10 semanas, se aplicó metrotexate localmente e intramuscular. La paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente hacia la mejoría siendo dada de alta. Métodos: Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica en bases de datos Pub Med y Science Direct con las palabras claves obtenidas del MeSH: "Scar ectopic pregnancy" durante los años 2000 y 2018. Se presentan las alternativas de manejo, tanto médico como quirúrgico, sin embargo, ello estará sujeto a las condiciones de la paciente y a la experiencia del médico tratante(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Ectopic pregnancy in a previous caesarean section is a novel and life-threatening form of abnormal implantation of a gestational sac within the myometrium and the fibrous tissue of the scar. The natural history of this condition is unknown, thus there is no consensus in its management. Case report: We report a case that was surgically managed in conservative way by minilaparotomy, trophoblastic tissue evacuation. The uterus was preserved. The gestational age was 10 weeks. Metrotexate was applied locally and intramuscularly. The patient evolved satisfactorily towards improvement and discharge. Methods: A literature review during the years 2000 and 2018 was carried out in Pub Med and Science Direct databases. The keywords from MeSH used were "Scar ectopic pregnancy". Both medical and surgical management alternatives are presented, however the patient condition and the experience of the attending physician will contribute as well(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Pregnancy, Ectopic/diagnosis , Gestational Sac/pathology , Laparotomy/methods , Myometrium , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 66(1): 9-12, ene.-mar. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-896816


Resumen Introducción. La gestación en mujeres >35 años se considera una condición de riesgo obstétrico, tanto para la madre como para el feto. Objetivo. Explorar la prevalencia y los factores determinantes asociados con la gestación en mujeres >35 años en Tunja. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de corte transversal en el que se analizó el registro institucional de partos ocurridos en mujeres residentes en Tunja durante el período 2011-2015. Resultados. Se presentaron 1 558 partos en >35 años, lo que constituye el 11.6-13% del total anual; 49.8% de los partos se dieron mediante cesárea. Los factores asociados fueron afiliación al régimen contributivo, escolaridad de la gestante y de su pareja, hábitat urbano y pareja estable. No se encontró riesgo incrementado de complicaciones obstétricas en comparación con otros grupos de edad, pero sí asociación positiva con mayor probabilidad de prematurez, sobrepeso, óbito fetal previo y operación cesárea. Conclusiones. La incidencia de parto es ligeramente mayor a la media nacional, quizás por factores sociales y culturales no establecidos con plenitud, pero similares a los reportados en la literatura. Es recomendable profundizar en el análisis de determinantes para mejorar las estrategias de vigilancia y control, así como rutinas de tamizaje.

Abstract Introduction: Pregnancy in women >35 years is considered an obstetric risk condition, for both the mother and the fetus. Objective: To explore the prevalence and determinants associated with pregnancy in women >35 years in Tunja. Materials and methods: Cross-sectional study in which the institutional records of deliveries occurred in women living in Tunja during the period 2011-2015 was analyzed. Results: There were 1 558 births to women >35 years, which constitutes 11.6-13% of the annual total; 49.8% of those births were delivered by caesarean section. Associated factors included affiliation to the contributory regime, school level of the pregnant woman and her partner, urban habitat and stable partner. No increased risk of obstetric complications was found in comparison with other age groups, but positive association with higher probability of prematurity, overweight, stillbirth and cesarean section was observed. Conclusions: The incidence of birth is slightly higher than the national average, perhaps due to social and cultural factors not fully established, but similar to those reported in the literature. It is advisable to deepen the analysis of determinants to improve surveillance and control strategies, as well as screening routines.

Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 65(supl.1): 69-76, dic. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-896799


Resumen El embarazo es una condición temporal de la vida en la que ocurren importantes cambios en la fisiología de la mujer, los cuales se resuelven, en gran medida, después del parto. Hay cambios físicos, hormonales y psicológicos, con un aumento progresivo de peso. Estos factores pueden predisponer a un trastorno respiratorio del sueño o a exacerbar alguno ya existente. La literatura científica sugiere una mayor prevalencia de ronquido en las mujeres embarazadas. Las bases de datos demuestran que en menos del 1% de los embarazos aparece el código del diagnóstico de apnea de sueño. Se ha relacionado la presencia tanto de ronquido como de apnea durante el embarazo con algunos desenlaces adversos que se tratan en este artículo, el cual busca sensibilizar a los médicos para que consideren este diagnóstico durante el embarazo.

Abstract Pregnancy is a temporary condition of life during which important changes in the physiology of women occur; such changes are resolved, to a large extent, after childbirth. Physical, hormonal and psychological changes can be observed as weight increases progressively. These factors may predispose to a respiratory sleep disorder or exacerbate an existing sleep disorder. The scientific literature suggests a higher prevalence of snoring in pregnant women, although databases show the diagnosis code of sleep apnea in less than 1% of pregnancies. The presence of both snoring and apnea during pregnancy has been associated with some adverse outcomes discussed in this article, which seeks to sensitize physicians to consider this diagnosis during pregnancy.

Rev. colomb. obstet. ginecol ; 66(3): 195-201, jul.-sep. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-773770


Objetivo: reportar el caso de una paciente que presentó paro cardiaco en su posparto inmediato, la cual fue manejada con hipotermia terapéutica posreanimación con resultados neurológicos favorables, y realizar una revisión de la literatura publicada acerca de hipotermia posreanimación en el embarazo.Materiales y métodos: se presenta el caso de una paciente con embarazo de 37 semanas, quien es remitida por preeclampsia severa a una institución privada de cuarto nivel de complejidad ubicada en Bogotá (Colombia). La paciente es llevada a cesárea, y en el alumbramiento desarrolla eclampsia, con deterioro respiratorio, hipoxemia y bradicardia que progresa a ritmo de paro en asistolia, con recuperación del ritmo sinusal luego de 15 minutos de reanimación cardiopulmonar (RCP), pero con criterios para un estado de coma residual. Se establece entonces un protocolo de neuroprotección con hipotermia sostenida a 33 grados durante 24 horas y posterior recalentamiento gradual. El desenlace final fue favorable, con recuperación del estado de conciencia y mínimas secuelas motoras.Para la revisión del tema se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos de la literatura especializadas en medicina (Medline vía PubMed, Embase) con los términos MESH: "hipotermia terapéutica", "embarazo", "paro cardiaco", sin restricción de idioma o de tiempo.Resultados: en PubMed se encontraron cuatro estudios con los criterios de búsqueda, y en Embase siete se referían al tema, los cuales incluían los cuatro reportes de casos ya encontrados en PubMed, dos reportes de casos adicionales y una revisión de paro cardiaco materno que discute en sus apartes el tema de hipotermia terapéutica en esta población. En la revisión de referencias bibliográficas se identificó una guía de práctica clínica y un artículo de revisión. Conclusiones: en la literatura publicada se describe la hipotermia terapéutica como una terapia benéfica para la paciente gestante, que podría ser considerada como parte de los cuidados posparo cardiaco como medida de protección neurológica. Se requieren estudios que incorporen mayor número de pacientes, y estudios controlados que evalúen la efectividad y seguridad de la técnica para la madre y el feto.

Objective: To report the case of a patient who went into cardiac arrest in the immediate post-partum period and was managed with post-resuscitation therapeutic hy pothermia with a favourable neurologic outcome; and to conduct a review of the published literature on post-resuscitation hypothermia in pregnancy.Materials and methods: We present the case of a patient in her 37th week of gestation, referred because of severe pre-eclampsia to a private, level IV institution in Bogotá, Colombia. The patient underwent cesarean section and during childbirth she developed eclampsia with respiratory distress, hypoxemia and bradycardia that progressed to cardiac arrest in asystole. Sinus rhythm returned after 15 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) but the patient was in a status consistent with residual coma. A neuroprotection protocol was initiated with hypothermia, maintained at 33 degrees over a 24- hour period, and then followed by gradual warming. The final outcome was favourable, with recovery of consciousness and negligible motor sequelae.For the review of the literature, a search was conducted in Medline via the PubMed and Embase databases using MESH terms for the key words therapeutic hypothermia, pregnancy, cardiac arrest, with no restriction of language or time.Results: Overall, 4 studies that met the search criteria were found in PubMed. In Embase, 7 referred to the topic, including the 4 case reports already found in PubMed plus two additional case reports and a review of maternal cardiac arrest that discusses therapeutic hypothermia in this population. The review of the bibliographic references resulted in the identification of a clinical practice guideline and one additional review article. Conclusions: Therapeutic hy pothermia is described in the published literature as a beneficial therapy that could be considered part of post- cardiac arrest care as a measure of neurological protection in the pregnant patient. Studies with larger numbers of patients and controlled trials to assess the effectiveness and safety of the technique for the mother and the foetus are needed.

Adult , Female , Heart Arrest , Hypothermia , Postpartum Period , Pregnancy
Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ; (12): 334-340, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-463627


Objective To evaluate the clinical characteristics of aortic dissection in pregnant patients with Marfan syndrome and the maternal and fetal outcomes in cardiovascular surgery. Methods Seven pregnant women with Marfan syndrome with aortic dissection were identified, who were treated in Beijing Anzhen Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University between January 2012 and September 2014. Patient charts were reviewed for cardiovascular surgery, occurrence of complications, clinical features and the maternal and fetal outcomes. Results (1)Among 7 patients, 4 cases were diagnosed as type A aortic dissection and 3 were cases diagnosed as type B aortic dissection. The diagnosis mainly depends on CT angiography. New York Heart Association(NYHA)classify into 5 of levelⅡ, 1 of levelⅢ, 1 of leveIⅣ. Except for 1 patient with cardiac tamponade lead to heart failure, the remaining 6 cases had no complications.(2)Three patients underwent heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass in second trimester and two patients underwent heart surgery in third trimester. Two patients terminated pregnancy before heart surgery(one of whom underwent artificial abortion,one of whom underwent cesarean section in second trimester).(3)The methods of cardiovascular surgeries were as follow:3 of Bentall+Sun′, 1 of Bentall+Sun′+right coronary artery bypass grafting, 1 of Bentall, 1 of the whole chest aorta replacement surgery, and 1 of femoral artery catheter chest aorta with membrane mesh stent implantation. The diameter of aortic roots measured during operation were 5 cm in 2 cases, 7 cm in 2 cases and 10 cm in 2 cases respectively. Among the 7 cases, 3 were conducted cesarean sections during cardiovascular surgery,1 was terminated pregnancy due to intrauterine fetal death after cardiovascular surgery, and 1 was conducted cesarean section due to severe early-onset preeclampsia at 30 weeks of pregnancy after cardiovascular surgery. (4)Among the 7 cases, 3 were conducted cesarean sections during cardiovascular surgery, the order of which was implemented cesarean section under general anesthesia firstly and then operated cardiovascular surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass and heparinization. Two were conducted cardiovascular surgery after termination of pregnancy by early artificial abortion operation or hysterotomy. 1 was conducted Bentall surgery at 18 weeks of pregnancy, after that the patient was receiving warfarin until the fetal brain hemorrhage was examined by ultrasound at 31 weeks of pregnancy;the patient was conducted cesarean section due to intrauterine fetal death. 1 was conducted heart surgery at 24 weeks of pregnancy and continue the pregnancy to 30 weeks, was conducted cesarean section due to severe early-onset preeclampsia at 30 weeks of pregnancy.(5)Among 7 patients, three patients underwent heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass combined with cesarean section. Two patients terminated pregnancy after heart surgery. Two patients terminated pregnancy before heart surgery. Six patients were alive and one patient died of multiple organ failure.(6)3 cases of newborn with birth body mass between 1 080 to 1 490 g.1 case of birth died after 14 d. 2 cases for newborns were alive without exception. Conclusion Aortic dissection poses serious risk for pregnant women with Marfan syndrome and the fetus, and the mortality rates for both the mother and the fetus are high. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment should be based on maternal and fetal conditions (such as aortic dissection, gestational age). When fetus is mature, cardiovascular surgery should be carried out with cesarean section. A multi-disciplinary team between obstetric and cardiovascular surgery is crucial to the outcome of these critical patients.

Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 1673-1677, 2013.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-350444


<p><b>BACKGROUND</b>The techniques of resection and repair of large lesions in the abdominal wall are very challenging in the area of gynecology. We explored the techniques of resection and plastic surgical repair of large abdominal wall lesions in gynecologic patients.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Twenty-six patients with large lesions in the abdominal wall underwent resection by the gynecologists and repair through abdominal plasty and V-Y plasty with or without fascia patch grafting by the gynecologists or plastic surgeons from March 2003 to October 2010.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>All patients had a history of cesarean section. One patient had an infected sinus tract after cesarean section, one patient had an inflammatory nodule, and the others had lesions of endometriosis, including one cancer. The average largest lesion diameter was (4.79 ± 4.18) cm according to the ultrasonography results. The lesions of all patients were completely resected with pretty abdominal contour. A polypropylene biological mesh was added to the fascia in 20 patients. One patient underwent groin flap repair, and one underwent V-Y advanced skin flap repair on the left of the incision to relieve the suture tension.</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>Multi-department cooperation involving the gynecology and plastic surgery departments, and even the general surgery department, is essential for patients with large lesions in the abdominal wall. This cooperative effort enabled surgeons to completely resect large lesions. Abdominal wall plastic surgical repair can ameliorate large wounds of the abdominal wall.</p>

Adult , Female , Humans , Abdominal Wall , General Surgery , Endometriosis , General Surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Surgical Flaps , Surgical Wound Infection , General Surgery
Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 40(3): 203-206, jul.-oct. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-663762


Introducción: No existe una técnica estándar de anestesia para el parto por cesárea. La anestesia general ha sido asociada con mayor morbimortalidad; sin embargo, estudios recientes parecen no estar de acuerdo con esta afirmación. Objetivo:Hacer una reflexión a través de los resultados de estudios que comparan anestesia regional y general para cesárea desde 3 aspectos: mortalidad, morbilidad y desenlaces neonatales, a partir de una búsqueda de la literatura Métodos:Artículo de reflexión. Se realizó una búsqueda no sistemática de la literatura referente a este tema en las bases de datos Medline/Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane y Lilacs usando términos Mesh incluidos en las palabras clave. Resultados: Aunque la tasa de cesáreas se ha mantenido constante, el uso de anestesia general ha disminuido progresivamente. La mortalidad materna asociada a anestesia general durante cesárea ha descendido hasta prácticamente ser igual a la de anestesia regional 1,7 (IC 95%, 0,6-4,6). La morbilidad es menor con anestesia regional: menor sangrado, menor riesgo de infección del sitio operatorio y menor dolor posoperatorio. Los desenlaces neonatales son prácticamente iguales. Conclusión: Las técnicas de anestesia neuroaxial son la elección para parto por cesárea siempre que no esté contraindicada, porque se asocia con menor morbilidad, aunque la mortalidad y los desenlaces neonatales son similares cuando se compara con anestesia general.

Introduction:There is no standard anesthesia technique for cesarean section. General anesthesia has been associated with higher morbidity-mortality; however, recent studies seem to disagree with such statement. Objectiue:Based on a search in the literature, to reflect on the comparative results of regional vs. general anesthesia for C-section considering three aspects: mortality, morbidity and neonatal outcomes. Methods: Article for reflection. A non-systematic search of the literature on the topic was performed in the Medline/Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane and Lilacs databases, using Mesh terms included in the key words. Results:Although the rates for cesarean sections have been constant, the use of general anesthesia has decreased progressively. Maternal mortality associated to general anesthesia during cesarean section has dropped to practically the same level as regional anesthesia: 1.7 (95% CI, 0.6-4.6). Mortality is lower with regional anesthesia: less bleeding, lower risk of surgical site infection, less post-operative pain. The neonatal outcomes are practically the same. Conclusion: As long as they are not contraindicated, neuraxial anesthetic techniques are the method of choice for C-section delivery, because they are associated with lower morbidity, though mortality and neonatal outcomes are similar as compared to general anesthesia.

Rev. cuba. anestesiol. reanim ; 11(2): 147-152, mayo-ago. 2012.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-739095


Introducción. La sedación observada en pacientes con anestesia regional para cesárea, es un fenómeno aun no aclarado. En los estudios que intentan responder esta pregunta, se ha encontrado que dichas pacientes presentan requerimientos menores de hipnóticos IV y de agentes inhalados. Objetivo: Proponer que la sedación sea un efecto secundario a la acción de opioides endógenos bajo influjo de las vías inhibitorias descendentes. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed con los siguientes términos MeSH: sedación consciente, sedación profunda, anestesia espinal y anestesia epidural. Sin obtener resultados. Se realizó una búsqueda manual de revisiones de anestesia regional y con la técnica en bola de nieve, se encontraron artículos relacionados con sedación y anestesia regional. Se revisaron los artículos y se confrontaron las teorías encontradas con la hipótesis propuesta. Resultados. Se obtuvieron y evaluaron 10 artículos relacionados con los efectos de sedación de la anestesia neuroaxial. Se encontró que aun no se conoce el mecanismo específico, sin embargo, hay una asociación entre el nivel de bloqueo, un mecanismo de "down regulation" en la activación del tallo cerebral y el efecto de las vías descendentes inhibitorias en la aparición de estos efectos. Conclusiones. Se ha descrito previamente una relación causal entre la inhibición de las aferencias somatosensoriales y la disminución del estado de alerta, cuantificado mediante potenciales evocados a nivel auditivo. Se propone un mecanismo adicional para explicar este fenómeno: la acción predominante del sistema inhibitorio descendente.

Introduction. Sedation observed in patients with regional anesthesia for cesarean section is a phenomenon not yet clear. In studies that attempt to answer this question, has been found that these patients have low requirements for intravenous hypnotic and inhaled agents. Objective: to this review It is proposed that the sedation is a side effect to the action of endogenous opioids under the influence of descending inhibitory pathways. Methods. Was searched PubMed with the following MeSH terms: conscious sedation, deep sedation, spinal and epidural anesthesia.Was performed a manual search of reviews of regional anesthesia and the snowball technique, was found items related to sedation and regional anesthesia. Articles were reviewed and were confronted with conflicting theories proposed hypothesis. Results. Were obtained and evaluated 10 articles related to the effects of neuraxial anesthesia sedation. It found that although no specific mechanism is known, however, there is an association between the level of blockade, a mechanism of "down regulation" in the activation of brain stem, and the effect of inhibitory descending pathways in the onset of these effects. Conclusions. Previously described a causal relationship between inhibition of somatosensory afferents and decreased alertness, measured by auditory evoked potential level. It is proposed an additional mechanism to explain this phenomenon: the predominant action of descending inhibitory system.

Mansoura Medical Journal. 2008; 39 (3, 4): 31-45
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-100881


A prospective study to evaluate the outcome of combined cesarean section and paraumblical hernia repair in tertiary referral university hospital. Patients and methods: 48 patients undergoing Cesarean section combined with paraumbilical hernia repair versus 100 patients undergoing cesarean section alone. Main Outcome Measures: Operation time, Apgar Score, blood loss, uterine atony, breast feeding initiation, pain sensation, periparturn complications, prolonged lochia [more than 42 days], deep venous thrombosis, hospital stay, hernia recurrence, and patient choice. The combined procedure consumed significantly longer time than cesarean section alone in the mesh hernioplasty subgroup. There were no major complications. Apgar Score, uterine atony, initiation of breastfeeding, prolonged tochia, wound infection and hospital stay did not differ significantly from those of controls. Pain at hernia site repair in two patients, one hernia recurred in the primary repair subgroup during follow up period which reach up to 3 years. All hernia group patients reported that they prefere the combined operation. Combined cesarean section and paraumbilical hernia repair had the advantage of single incision, single anesthesia, and single hospital stay. The combination approach proved to be safe, effective, and well accepted

Humans , Female , Hernia, Umbilical/surgery , Surgical Mesh , Pregnancy Outcome
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol ; 72(2): 105-110, 2007. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-627359


ANTECEDENTES: La presencia de endometriosis de la pared abdominal (EPA) suele confundirse con otras patologías médico-quirúrgicas que aparecen en la misma zona. OBJETIVO: Evaluar las características clínicas de la EPA. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de todas las pacientes hospitalizadas con el diagnóstico histopatológico de EPA entre enero de 1997 y diciembre de 2005. RESULTADOS: Se encontraron 14 pacientes, con edad promedio de 33,2 años. Los principales síntomas fueron: dolor cíclico (71,4%), masa abdominal (100%), dispareunia (21,4%) y dismenorrea (42,8%). Todas la pacientes tuvieron al menos una cirugía ginecológica (2 con procedimientos laparoscópicos) u obstétrica (85,7% cesárea). Sólo una paciente se había diagnosticado previamente de endometriosis. Los síntomas comenzaron en promedio 3,5 años posteriores a la última cirugía. Las EPA tenían un tamaño promedio de 3,2 cm. El diagnóstico pre-operatorio fue correcto en el 64,3% de las pacientes. Los diagnósticos incorrectos correspondieron a 3 granulomas, una hernia inguinal y un lipoma. Todas las pacientes requirieron cirugía y en el 64,3% fue necesario la utilización de mallas polytetrafluoethyleno. Cuatro pacientes (28,5%) presentaron recurrencias. 60% de los diagnósticos iniciales incorrectos v/s 11,1% de los acertados recurrieron. CONCLUSIONES: La EPA puede encontrarse en cicatrices tanto ginecológicas como obstétricas. Los síntomas comunes son masas con dolor cíclico. La ecografía de pared abdominal fue suficiente para enfrentar el diagnóstico diferencial. El diagnóstico pre-operatorio es importante para planificar la cirugía porque redujo las recurrencias. El tratamiento de elección es la cirugía con resección amplia de los bordes.

BACKGROUND: The presence of abdominal wall endometriosis (AWE) used to be confused with other surgical pathologies that may appear in these zones. Objective: To evaluate the AWE clinical characteristics. METHOD: Retrospective study of all the patients hospitalized with the histopathologycal diagnosis of AWE, between January 1997 and December 2005. RESULTS: There was found AWE only in 14 patients. Their mean age was 33.2 years old. The symptoms were: cyclic pain (71.4%), abdominal wall mass (100%), dyspareunia (21.4%) and dysmenorrhea (42.8%). All patients had at least one gynecologic (2 patients with laparoscopic procedures) or obstetric surgery (85.7% had previous cesarean section). Only one patient had previously been diagnosed with pelvic endometriosis. Their symptoms started after an average of 3.5 years after surgery. The AWE had a mean size of 3.2 cm. The preoperative diagnosis was correct in 64.3%. The incorrect preoperative diagnoses were 3 granuloma, 1 inguinal hernia and 1 lipoma. All patients required surgery. 64.3% of the patients it was necessary a polytetrafluoethylene mesh. Four patients (28.5%) had AWE recurrences. 60% of the wrong initial diagnosis recurred versus 11.1% of the correct ones. CONCLUSION: AWE may be present in gynecologic or obstetric scars. Their common symptoms are masses with cyclic pain. Ultrasonography is enough to approach the differential diagnosis. The correct preoperative diagnosis is important to plan surgery and reduce recurrences. The surgical wide excision is the preferable treatment. Establishing clear endometriosis limits reduce the recurrences.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Abdominal Wall/surgery , Endometriosis/surgery , Endometriosis/diagnosis , Recurrence , Signs and Symptoms , Clinical Evolution , Retrospective Studies , Abdominal Wall/pathology , Abdominal Wall/diagnostic imaging , Diagnosis, Differential , Endometriosis/pathology